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Angelique’s Holiday Selling Strategies

Here are some fabulous links and videos to support you in creating an awesome selling seasonCheck out these great ideas to REV UP your Holiday Sales and Recruiting Results!

These are examples of business cards to give out when working with businesses. (google for coupon code) for postcards and brochures.

Holiday & Seasons
Holiday & Seasons (free email video slide show) (business card app- tell them I referred you -Angelique Talbert)

 Download AppFlip-o-gram  or slideshare to text pictures of your holiday gifts to your clients

The Facebook Group: Pink Holiday

Holiday Hangouts with NSD\’s Kristen Sharpe and Connie Kitson

Pinterest- Lauren Reed Holiday ideas

Holiday & Seasons
Holiday & Seasons
Holiday & Seasons

Order your Fabulous \”Show & Sell\” collapsible tote for only $40 plus shipping with Sandy @ 323-296-3021

Holiday & Seasons
Holiday & Seasons